Learn How to Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets: The 101 Guide

Kitchen Renovation & Kitchen Remodeling

Learn How to Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets: The 101 Guide

Painting your kitchen cabinets is an important part of updating your kitchen, but there is process that must be followed to yield results that look nice and last for years to come. If you simply slap a coat of paint onto the cabinets without any rhyme or reason, you may find that the paint peels, chips, and wears out over time. Below, we will go over the steps you need to take to paint your kitchen cabinets and get the results that you desire.

Step 1: Prepare for the Job at Hand

Before you dip the brush into the paint, make sure you prepare your kitchen for the job ahead. You will need to remove all of the items from within your kitchen cabinets, remove all hardware, and cover up your kitchen floor and countertops. Make sure you have all of the supplies needed readily available, packages open, and a willingness to stay until the job is done.

Once you have done all of the above, start by cleaning your cabinets and shelves. This will prevent any dust or dirt from getting stuck in the paint and will remove any built up grease and old food.

Step 2: Sand Down the Cabinets and Apply a Primer

Now it is time to grab your sander and start sanding your kitchen cabinets until they roughened up a bit. One thing to keep in mind is that you do not have to keep sanding until all old paint is gone because this can be impossible. Simply make sure that the surface is rough to the touch and the old paint is not shiny any longer.

Once the cabinets are sanded down, vacuum up any dust and debris and then add a primer or sealer to the entire cabinet surface. You will need to allow the primer to dry prior to beginning to paint the kitchen cabinets.

Step 3: Paint Your Cabinets

Now that you have allowed the primer to dry, you can begin painting your cabinets. You should always start with the interior edges of the cabinet door and moving on to the interior side door and then moving outward to the outer facing cabinet door side.

You never want to apply thick coats of paint as the cabinets will take forever to dry and drip are more common. Also, try to use as little brush strokes as you can because the more you brush the cabinet, the more likely you are to create air bubbles.

Step 4: Allow the Cabinets to Dry and Then Hang Them Up

Once painted, allow your kitchen cabinets to thoroughly dry before you attempt to hang them back up. When you are ready to hang them up, attach the hardware to the cabinet FIRST, then attach the door and hardware to the surface.

If you are ready to paint your kitchen cabinets and need guidance on how to perform the job or professional help from experienced painters, call the team at Kitchen & Bath today.

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