Top 5 Best Flooring Materials For Bathrooms

Oakville Mississauga Home Renovations

Top 5 Best Flooring Materials For Bathrooms

When choosing a bathroom flooring option, you need to consider many factors other than just a beautiful finish. Bathroom floors need to be properly designed to stand up against water, resist moisture and humidity. No wonder you’ll find porcelain and ceramic tiles installed in most modern bathrooms. These are examples of flooring materials that are durable, stain and water resistant. They also come in a variety of colors and finishes so it’s easy to choose an option that best complements your home design. If you’re currently working on a home renovation Mississauga and are looking for a bathroom flooring option, consider the 5 options below.

Porcelain tiles

Beautiful, stylish, waterproof and affordable are words used to best describe porcelain tiles. You can get a rich and textured finish with these tiles without spending much. The major setback is that the tiles can be very cold and slippery. You can incorporate texturing on the tiles to make it slip resistant. Also opt for smaller tiles which are less slippery since they contain more grout.

Vinyl sheets

Vinyl is another bathroom flooring material that is quite popular due to its aesthetics and durability. Vinyl sheets are often used in areas such as the laundry room where there’s a high chance of extreme water exposure. The best part is that there are thousands of options to choose from with this bathroom flooring material. You can also choose vinyl planks or tiles for your bathroom.

Natural stone

Stone flooring options such as limestone, granite and marble have been used in home renovations Oakville for many years. Though stone is a very expensive flooring option, it gives you a unique appeal and it’s very durable when properly sealed. Real stone flooring is very costly and it can get really cold and slippery. One way to make the floor less slippery is by sandblasting to add some texture. You can also purchase stone flooring options like slate which are already textured to give your bathroom a slip resistant floor.

Laminate flooring

With laminate, you’ll need to take the right steps to prevent moisture damage when installed in the bathroom. Laminate can be designed to mimic different types of wood or stone such as oak, marble and slate. You get a beautiful-looking bathroom floor at a fraction of the price. One way to ensure the laminate floor is not damaged by moisture is to ensure there are tight seams between the planks. This prevents any moisture from getting inside the flooring material. Laminate is also very easy to clean.

Cork flooring

Cork is a commonly used flooring material in bathrooms since it’s water resistant. It can also withstand mold and mildew which grow on moisture prone areas. When installing cork flooring, a topcoat can be added to prevent staining. However, this type of bathroom flooring requires resealing every few years in order to prevent moisture damage.

There are other flooring options such as rubber and bamboo that you may want to consider for your bathroom. Speak to a qualified renovator to help you make a smart decision.


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