Ideas For Optimal Home Lighting

Oakville Mississauga Home Renovations

Ideas For Optimal Home Lighting

When designing the ideal living space, lighting is a key component that can sometimes be overlooked. In the following article, we are going to give you tips on how to choose the most optimal lighting, based on different areas of your home.

The Dining Room

For the dinner table, choosing pull down lights (also known as rise and fall lights) is the way to go. These should generally be between 600 to 700 centimeters above the table for optimal lighting. You can also create a warm and inviting atmosphere by properly placing a few floor lamps around the perimeter of the dining room.

As For the light shades – we recommend using glass, plastic, or metal as they will clean very easily.

Kitchen and Bathrooms

For the kitchen you normally want to use a ceiling lamp. This does not have to be the brightest light around, as brighter light tends to really pick up any moisture and dust in the air, a glazed cover is recommended to help with this. Ceiling lights are also a breeze to clean and easy to replace.

For the bathroom, you can go with ceiling lights, or incandescent bulbs around the mirror, to lighten yourself up when combing your hair, putting make-up on, etc.

For both areas, stainless, damp-proof lighting is also suggested.

Living Room

A combination of both top lights and floor lamps are perfect for the living room. You and your family will be spending a lot of time in this room, so the brighter you can make it, the better.

If you have high ceilings, and the budget to do it, a chandelier might be an elegant option for your living space. These are extremely heavy and difficult to clean or replace bulbs, so hiring a professional to take care of your chandelier is highly appropriate.

Study Room

For a study room, warm white light with high proportion of indirect light is suggested as to not put a strain on your eyes. A small desktop lamp is great and brightens up your work.

You can also choose to install a small spotlight into your bookcase to illuminate book titles and also hold temperature to prevent said boos from dampening causing decaying.


A bedroom can use a mixture of several kinds of lighting. A ceiling lamp to illuminate the whole room. A desk lamp to get that last bit of work done before hopping into bed. The lamp on your bedside table to reading a good story before sleep, and even a floor lamp in the corner for atmosphere.

Again, if you live in a more sophisticated and upscale house, a smaller chandelier can be added to your bedroom for style and elegance.

Lighting is an important part of any home, from the kitchen to the bedroom and everywhere in between, going from poor to high quality lighting can really effect the atmosphere in your home. Keep these things in mind and you will do more than light up your home properly, you will also light up your life a little more.


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