7 Design Things to Plan BEFORE Starting Your Bathroom Renovation

Bathroom Renovation Tips

Design can be overlooked during a bathroom renovation. Attention gets used up on budget and just trying to get it all done, and design falls short. But, great design will make your bathroom feel more like yours, more comfortable, and more livable. Consider these design tips before you start hammering.

Plan Your Sink Height

The height of your bathroom sink doesn’t seem all that important until you realize it’s wrong. Even a slightly too short or too tall sink can be endlessly annoying and even cause back issues if you have to constantly be leaning forward at your sink. Make absolutely sure your sink gets installed at the exact height for you and your family. Your bathroom sink gets used too often to mess up on the height.

Choose Great Lighting

Lighting fixtures are an important element of making your bathroom look amazing, but the type of lighting you use is even more important for making you feel your best when you’re getting ready in the morning. Harsh, white, florescent light doesn’t do anything good for how you look in a bathroom mirror and will make your new bathroom feel more like your office than your private sanctuary. Try softer lighting in the bathroom and make sure your vanity mirror is deliberately lit to make you look your best so you can leave the house in the morning feeling confident about your appearance.

Choose Fresh Air

Mold and mildew is easy to collect in a damp bathroom. If you can, design your new bathroom with more than one way to dry it out. A couple of windows you can crack open during a shower will drastically decrease the chance of creating unwanted mold and will keep your bathroom feeling crisp and fresh.

Plan Your Toilet Placement

For the sake of aesthetics and even feng shui, plan your toilet placement out of sight of the bathroom door so the toilet isn’t the feature of the bathroom. Nobody really wants to see the toilet, so tuck it away if you can.

Consider a Corner Sink

For space and a trendy look, think about installing a corner sink instead of the traditional wall sink. A corner sink helps with space, looks great, and helps with traffic flow.

Consider a Small Bathtub

If you want a tub but don’t really have the space, try a tiny tub. Many companies make small versions of their popular models to accommodate those of us with very small bathroom spaces.

Plan Your Decor

In the design planning stage of your bathroom renovation, make sure you don’t neglect those critical design elements that will make or break the atmosphere and vibe in your new bathroom – colours, art, and accessories. A great bathroom remodel can totally fail in the design stage if you don’t choose your design elements with care. Consider what colours you want surrounding you several times a day in your private moments and pick carefully. For art and bathroom accessories Toronto, choose options that feel inspiring or important to you, don’t just buy something cheap to make it look like you put thought into your design.

Design is the fun part of renovating. It’s the part where you get to make your bathroom look and feel unique, original, and truly yours. If you’re interested in a free consultation get in touch with our team of qualified professionals here /bathroom-renovations-remodeling/ and let’s start planning your next renovation!